The latest news for New Zealand Landlords and Tenants
Kiwi developers sell $125 million in townhouses in 3 months
Williams Corporation records three record breaking months of residential townhouse sales totaling $124.29million.
1. August: 62 homes sold, total value $33.49m
2. September: 76 homes sold, total value $44.27m
3. October: 88 homes sold, total value $46.5m
New Zealand townhouse development company Williams Corporation has recorded three stunning months of sales as they continue their drive to provide central affordable housing in New Zealand’s three main cities; Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
“Our vision is to provide affordable homes for Kiwis close to central city.”
Blair Chappell, Managing Director of Williams Corporation
Mathew Horncastle, Managing Director of Williams Corporation said “We have always believed in our vision and what we are doing, this is a result of a few years hard work along with some pretty strong market conditions right now for property.”
Williams Corporation is an infill developer, meaning they locate existing old run down homes in good locations and replace them with brand new homes for an affordable price point that is appealing to the first home buyer market, along with investors.

Blair Chappell, Managing Director of Williams Corporation said “Our vision is to provide affordable homes for Kiwis close to central city. What we are now achieving in terms of numbers really shows the shift in mentality of Kiwis away from the ¼ acre dream and towards a strong desire to live in the central city with all it has to offer.
The Governments much publicized KiwiBuild scheme has so far delivered 600 homes, yet Williams Corporation are on track to deliver just under 400 homes this calendar year. Blair puts that down to the innovation they are driving within their build schedule.
“We are now delivering pods to our construction sites with frames, floors, eco ply and trusses all built in the factory and craned onto site. This enables us to shorten our delivery time frames, but also results in a safer worksite for our team” said Blair.
“By shortening our timeframes, we can reduce our costs and then pass them on to New Zealanders who are looking to buy their first home, or maybe an investment property. For example, we recently released a development in Lower Hutt where the median house price is close to $1million, but we offered our 1 & 2 bedroom homes to market from just $510,000 – it sold out in one day”.